On Tue, 12/13/16, Brian Inglis wrote:

 Subject: Re: Setup not asking for proxy user,password / was Resend: 
pdfseparate does nothing for me?
 To: cygwin@cygwin.com
 Date: Tuesday, December 13, 2016, 3:57 PM
 On 2016-12-13 11:43, Ian
 Lambert via cygwin wrote:
 > On Mon,
 12/12/16, Achim Gratz  wrote:
 >> Ian
 Lambert via cygwin writes:
 Maybe a comparison of how wget handles authentication versus
 >>> setup handles it could
 >> The problem is on your side
 and I cannot reproduce it. So that
 analysis (which I've asked for earlier) either comes
 from you or
 >> you'll have to wait
 until someone else can reproduce it. In any case,
 >> I've verified that setup.exe does
 ask for the user/password if it
 gets the required 407 error response from a proxy
 >> authentication and then
 correctly uses that proxy for the remainder
 >> of the session.
 The output from testing with wget and setup verbose is
 > https://cygwin.com/ml/cygwin/2016-12/msg00034.html
 > After skimming wget and setup sources, my
 guess is it has something
 > to do with
 "basic" versus NTLM authentication. I saw enough
 to know
 > setup source is not nearly as
 thoroughly commented as wget, and both
 are too complicated for me. :D
 > Is there
 any chance of getting similar outputs from behind your
 > proxy, to look for differences with
 Maybe your proxy is
 not properly handling unexpected User Agent or other 
 header strings from wget and setup. 
 Have you tried curl - curl often outputs only
 the HTTP message, and you 
 can then add
 options to generate the correct responses or handling. 
 Both curl and wget each support some user
 specified header addition and 
 Note that setup
 seems to require and support only Basic authentication 
 and does not process any negotiation, so if
 your proxy can or does not 
 fall back to
 support Basic authentication, only NTLM, you're
 Have you tried
 using apt-cyg or another alternate installer?
 I could suggest 
 as it has been patched
 to handle installing dependencies and postinstall 
 scripts but does not (yet?) handle upgrades
 except by manually removing 
 (re-)installing packages.
 You may have to do your setup and package
 downloads via apt-cyg, wget, 
 or IE to your
 packages directories and use setup to do installs from 
= = = 

At one time the proxy did seem to have user-agent requirements,
but lately it seems more forgiving, for wget and curl.

Thanks for your earlier curl and wget suggestions too. The output with
debug/verbose options is "interesting."

Yes, I've used apt-cyg downloads and offline setup/upgrade since about
last February. I'm using the latest version, with a small modification to
try to get "test" versions more reliably.

Oddly, trying to compare the outputs from different curl requests, with 
tkdiff, revealed that this script is no longer working for me. It worked
maybe 2 weeks ago. :/  It's always something.

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