On 25/12/2016 13:55, mike wrote:
I run 32 bit cygwin on a 64 bit machine running Windows 7.
I used to get an XWin Server terminal running bash at startup (logging
into Windows) from which I could run the emacs packaged in cygwin.
After a round of updates I don't get the terminal window at startup and
if I try to manually launch it it fails to launch and AFAICT if I try to
run emacs from a command prompt I get the native version of emacs that I
also have installed and not the cygwin one. The shortcut for XWin
Server is
C:\cygwin\bin\run.exe /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c /usr/bin/startxwin.exe
Is the Xserver running and you just don't have the Xterm automatically run ?
If yes, the behavior is the current default.
If no, and the Xserver does not run at all, please follow
Problem reports: http://cygwin.com/problems.html
and provide as attachment the cygcheck.out.
Merry Christmas
Buon Natale
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