On 2017-01-28 12:06, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 01/28/2017 11:45 AM, Brian Inglis wrote:
>>> it did put me on the right track:
>>>     $ cygcheck -p 'mingw32-g[:punct:][:punct:]' | awk 'NR>1{$0=$1}1'
>> Your command is the same as:
>> $ cygcheck -p mingw32-g[:ctnpu][:ctnpu] | sed '2,$s/\s.*//'
> Not necessarily. You forgot quotes, so depending on what is in your 
> current directory, that glob might expand.

The point was that in any case it was not doing what was wanted nor 
expected, and an extra set of brackets [[:punct:]] are needed to 
search for punctuation.

>> ITYM:
>> $ cygcheck -p mingw32-g[[:punct:]][[:punct:]] | sed '2,$s/\s.*//'

Not sure what if anything glob does with double brackets - anything 
I tried with ls always returned the search string e.g. 

$ ls /etc/setup/[[a-z]]*
ls: cannot access '/etc/setup/[[a-z]]*': No such file or directory

It does not seem to have any support for accented character classes 
or the ilk e.g. re [[:a:][:e:][:i:][:o:][:u:]] which could be useful 
searching for UTF-8 filenames.

> Or, with proper quoting to shield yourself from globbing based on the
> contents of the current directory:
> cygcheck -p 'mingw32-g[[:punct:]][[:punct:]]' | sed '2,$s/\s.*//'

Always a concern for conscientious scripters and especially on Windows 
where characters which may rarely be encountered on Unix systems are 
often lurking to catch unwary scripters.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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