On Tue, 31 Jan 2017 16:32:45, Corinna Vinschen wrote:


> > Therefore the question is: 'can the same situation be created under
> > under Windows?' (does Windows provide the required support?)
> This has nothing to do with Windows.  It's the termios implementation
> inside Cygwin.  I created a patch introducing the IUTF8 flag as on Linux
> as well as a code snippet trying to remove entire utf-8 characters from
> the input if the IUTF8 flag is set.  And it's set now by default since
> we default to UTF-8 anyway.

Downloaded the snapshots (both x86 and x86_64). Replaced cygwin1.dll.

Repeated my test for both

 - bash --noediting, and
 - dash

on both snapshots.

Now I get the expected result! (UTF-8 characters are being erased)

Thank you.



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