On 2017-02-02 14:12, Paul Kitchen wrote:
> I do indeed have Rapport installed and it looks like it does not co-exist
> well with CYGWIN.
> I rebooted, stopped Rapport and then ran the script I have been trying to
> run for a day and it went through flawlessly at normal speed.
> It is very strange that 2 different applications that have nothing to do
> with each other can interfere with each other in this way.
> Once again thank you for taking the time to respond and also to the CYGWIN
> team for their time and suggestions.

Perhaps you could submit a ticket 
and inform them that their app does not play well with
hanging unrelated Windows processes for 15-20 seconds, 
and perhaps also copy your bank's security team.

You may also want to search for info about the app and 
consider whether you want to have it running other than 
when you are accessing your bank web site.
It has been reported to interfere with other applications 
and the browsers and may send telemetry to IBM and/or 
your bank: this may be what causes the hangs.
The product privacy link goes nowhere:

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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