On 04/02/17 00:08, David Stacey wrote:
On 29/01/17 21:04, Jim Reisert AD1C wrote:
Best as I can tell, the seg fault is due to having installed the test
version of gcc 6.0.  Even uninstalling gcc 6.0 does not fix the
problem.  I had to create an entirely new Cygwin-64 environment to get
past the problem.

I invite you (Dave) to try the experiment yourself.  You would be wise
to back up your Cygwin environment before doing this.

I've spent a little time looking into this. As per the stack track you supplied, cppcheck is falling over constructing a std::istringstream with a string passed in to initialise the stream. I'll need to debug this into the STL to work out exactly why the seg fault is occurring.

I'm stuck here, I'm afraid. From what I can deduce, cppcheck is using the explicitly instantiated version of std::istringstream in libstdc++, but my gdb-foo isn't good enough to work out what's going on past that.

I've taken a good look at the cppcheck code, and I believe that it's using the STL correctly. If I'm being picky, cppcheck assumes that the std::istringsteam is going to construct successfully, i.e. there doesn't seem to be a 'catch' exception handler. But given the small size of the strings we're dealing with, it's not too unreasonable to expect the string copy to succeed.

Anyway, my assumption at the moment is that this is an issue with libstdc++.

Any thoughts?


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