Thomas Wolff writes: > I have uploaded mintty 2.7.4 with the following changes:
Since about November/December last year I'm having problems with screen and tmux sessions in mintty not correctly refreshing and leaving garbage characters displayed in the terminal. It seems that the terminal size is not always correctly reported, especially if you make the window occupy the left or right half of the screen via Windows shortcut. Additionally, there seems to be an off-by-one bug when the last line of the terminal needs to be scrolled up in order to show content that is longer than the remaining width. This happens when you for instance recall a long command from history. It's hard to see what exactoly happens, but it looks like the one character too many gets printed (and wraps onto the next line) before the whole terminal window gest scrolled up and the rest of the command gets printed in the line below the single wrapped character. That remainder is in various states of disarray, showing both remnants from the original prompt on the last line (now three lines up), empty /spaces where there should have been characters from the command and then of course parts of the command. I'm not seeing these problems when I'm working via konsole from a Linux box. Regards, Achim. -- +<[Q+ Matrix-12 WAVE#46+305 Neuron microQkb Andromeda XTk Blofeld]>+ Wavetables for the Waldorf Blofeld: -- Problem reports: FAQ: Documentation: Unsubscribe info: