A new release of readline, 7.0.3-3, has been uploaded and will soon
reach a mirror near you.  The previous version is now 7.0.1-2 (which was
experimental, but never current; but the only difference from 7.0.1-1
was handling of pselect which is now fixed in cygwin 2.7.0-1).

This is a rebuild to fold in two new official upstream patches, and to
build against newer cygwin1.dll that fixes handling of alt-numkeypad
extended character entry in a windows console.

Remember, you must not have any bash or /bin/sh instances running when
you upgrade the readline package.  This release requires cygwin-2.7.0-1
or later.  See also the upstream documentation in /usr/share/doc/readline/.

The readline library will read a line from the terminal and return it,
allowing the user to edit the line with emacs or vi editing keys.  It
also allows a history feature, for editing previous entries, making
command line interfaces easier-to-use and more intuitive.

libreadline7 provides the .dlls needed for readline and history
expansion for dynamic linking in other programs, including bash and gdb;
it is required for a minimal cygwin installation. libreadline-devel
provides the documentation and the static libraries required for static
linking; you should only need it if you plan on compiling an application
that links with -lreadline or -lhistory.

To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system. Save it and run setup, answer the questions and pick up
'libreadline7' in the 'Base' category (it should already be selected),
or 'libreadline-devel' in the 'Devel' category.

Note that downloads from cygwin.com aren't allowed due to bandwidth
limitations.  This means that you will need to find a mirror which has
this update, please choose the one nearest to you:

If you want to make a point or ask a question the Cygwin mailing list is
the appropriate place.

Eric Blake
volunteer cygwin readline package maintainer

For more details on this list (including unsubscription), see:

Problem reports:       http://cygwin.com/problems.html
FAQ:                   http://cygwin.com/faq/
Documentation:         http://cygwin.com/docs.html
Unsubscribe info:      http://cygwin.com/ml/#unsubscribe-simple

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