On 17/02/2017 22:20, Matt D. wrote:

I just recently formatted and reinstalled Windows 10 x64. I have not
updated anything related to Cygwin and everything version-wise is just
as it was.

I was previously starting X with the following:

$ xinit -- -multiplemonitors -multiwindow -clipboard -noprimary -dpi 96
-nolisten tcp -displayfd 3 3>/c/home/.display

But now it fails to open the display:


This log doesn't exactly match that command ('-nolisten inet6' rather '-nolisten tcp')

Note that since 1.17.0, -nolisten tcp is the default.

[ 21352.125] winInitMultiWindowWM - DISPLAY=:0.0
[ 21352.125] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - DISPLAY=:0.0
[ 21354.140] winInitMultiWindowWM - Could not open display, try: 1, sleeping: 5
[ 21354.140] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Could not open display, try: 1, sleeping: 
[ 21361.140] winInitMultiWindowWM - Could not open display, try: 2, sleeping: 5
[ 21361.140] winMultiWindowXMsgProc - Could not open display, try: 2, sleeping: 
[ 21363.671] winDeinitMultiWindowWM - Noting shutdown in progress

This seems to indicate that the helper clients can't connect to the X server on the (emulated) unix domain socket, which is causing the X server to be stopped.

I can't reproduce this.

Conceivably, this might be caused by firewall issues.

I can get around this issue by using "-listen tcp" instead of "-nolisten
tcp" but I don't understand why. This is especially ironic considering

Can you show the log for a working X server as well, please?

that this is the complete opposite workaround to what I had to use three
years ago:


Jon Turney
Volunteer Cygwin/X X Server maintainer

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