Akshay Belle writes:
> I am trying to use cygwin on my office laptop, which as a software
> called powerbroker that provide admin privileges for installation of
> third party software like cygwin. Powerbroker has worked well with all
> other software installations, however cygwin is not installing
> correctly with powerbroker.

It seems to me that PowerBroker, advertising itself as providing
application based policies, would need specific rules for Cygwin.  This
would either need cooperation from your IT department or even
enhancements from BeyondTrust.

> 2017/04/04 11:52:56 running: C:\cygwin\bin\dash.exe
> "/etc/postinstall/0p_000_autorebase.dash"
>       0 [main] dash 10092 fork: child 20984 - died waiting for dll
> loading, errno 11

It seems that PowerBroker works by inserting itself into every process
image.  That's not going to work.

Until Beyond Trust comes up with a fix, I'd say PowerBroker should be
added to the BLODA.


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