On 2017-04-27 08:56, Gary Johnson wrote:
> On 2017-04-27, bonhard wrote:
>> The command "find /" takes forever, if it completes at all, because of the
>> need to traverse the induced directory /proc. Is this directory often
>> needed by users? Can it be skipped by setting up "export CYGWIN=something",
>> or even by default, with the requirement on the user to induce it if needed?
>> There seems to be no switch to the command find that would easily allow
>> "but not this subdirectory": if there was, I wouldn't be asking. Quite a
>> lot of surfing led me to
>> $ find / \( -wholename /proc -o -wholename /dev \) -prune -o -print
>> which is really heavyweight syntax for a simple requirement. I am pretty
>> certain it leads to the behaviour required "do not traverse" though various
>> posters seem to think it just leads to "traverse but do not report" saving
>> almost nothing.
>> Assuming the syntax is correct, I have not been able to incorporate any
>> qualifiers such as -type d or -type f or -type l. Any ideas where to slot
>> these so that they work?
> This isn't exactly what you're looking for because it expands to
> give find a list of places to look rather than just excluding some
> set of directories from one place to look, but it seems to work
> well. You'll need to have the extglob shopt set.
>     $ find /!(dev|proc) ...

I've used find /??? /sbin to exclude /cygdrive, /home, /proc.
If I just want to find something I know is somewhere under ... 
I use ls .../**/*something* or .../**/*somedir*/, enabled with 
shopt globstar, and is quicker than find.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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