On 08/05/2017 17:27, Brian Inglis wrote:

wget download no longer sets x bits and won't run from Explorer,
cygstart, or bash:

No longer?  I don't think wget ever did this.

$ cygstart ./setup-2.878.x86_64
Unable to start 'setup-2.878.x86_64.exe': The operating system denied access to 
the specified file.
$ cygstart ./setup-2.878.x86_64.exe
Unable to start 'setup-2.878.x86_64.exe': The operating system denied access to 
the specified file.
$ ./setup-2.878.x86_64
-bash: ./setup-2.878.x86_64: Permission denied
$ ./setup-2.878.x86_64.exe
-bash: ./setup-2.878.x86_64.exe: Permission denied

- requires chmod +x to run.

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