On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 05:00:54PM +0100, Jon Turney wrote:
> On 10/05/17 19:01, Jon Turney wrote:
> >On 10/05/2017 18:10, Adam Dinwoodie wrote:
> >>I see you're the maintainer of buildbot-slave. Would it be possible to
> >>get an updated version of this? The current version packaged for
> >>Cygwin, 0.8.12, was released in April 2015; the latest version, 0.9.6,
> >>was released April 2017.
> >
> >Sure, I'll take a look at doing that.
> I just uploaded buildbot-worker 0.9.7-1 (note the change in package name).

would it be worth marking the new buildbot-worker as obsoleting the old

> It's a bit awkward for me to upgrade to a compatible buildbot-master right
> now, so I haven't been able to test it much, so please let me know if there
> are any problems.

Just to confirm I appear to have it working now.  Attempting to get
buildbot-master to work on Cygwin failed miserably, but I have a
basically working automated build server for the Cygwin Git package
being mastered from a CentOS VM.

I've at least vague intentions of writing up the process of getting this
running, if that'd interest folk, once I have the build server
competently running tests and checking results and so forth. I can't be
the only person who'd like to automate the Cygwin package maintainer
processes more.

Thanks again!


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