On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 9:35 PM, Brian Inglis wrote:
> You should always check Pending last, to see what will be installed
> or upgraded, if there is anything you forgot, don't need, or don't
> want upgraded, and the download sizes, if time, speed, or space are
> concerns, or you just don't want a pile of time or space used up by
> some bloated packages.

Actually, the preferred user experience would be to:
1. Start in Category view
2. Select whatever packages to install/remove/etc.
3. Click "Next"
4. Have the Pending view show up in order to review whatever is going
to be installed.
5. Have the option to Approve / Cancel / Go Back

This way, the Pending view is shown at the right moment (after setup
instead of before) so there's no need to remember to manually do that.
Personally I don't use the setup program too often so I don't think
I'll remember to do that each time, especially when most setup
programs will show you a final summary with the list of files/packages
that would be installed and the amount of required disk space - prior
to installing the software - and will also wait for confirmation (even
text-based installers like apt-get, for example, behave like that).

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