Greetings, Dani Moncayo!

> Hi,

> subject line says it all.

> I've been experiencing this problem for some months, on windows 10.
> But the problem does not appear in another windows 8.1 system I use.

> To reproduce the problem, just open the standard cygwin terminal (e.g.
> by double-clicking the desktop icon), an then type the "exit" command
> in the bash shell.

> I see a "logout" message for a fraction of a second, then the terminal
> becomes empty (without text), but the mintty window remains visible
> but unresponsive, with the title bar showing "~ (Not Responding)".

Anything suspicious in logout script?
One known cause if it could be reproduced fairly easy with ssh to a remote
host. Once ssh session ends, MinTTY will stick after exit, until you press

With best regards,
Andrey Repin
Wednesday, May 24, 2017 13:04:08

Sorry for my terrible english...

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