On 26/05/2017 16:01, Ian Lambert via cygwin wrote:
On Fri, 5/26/17, Jon Turney <> wrote:
  Subject: Re: setup release candidate - please test
  To: "The Cygwin Mailing List" <cygwin@cygwin.com>
  Cc: "Ian Lambert" <>
  Date: Friday, May 26, 2017, 8:05 AM

  > Can you give an example of a setup command
  line containing an invalid
  > option
  which "quietly does nothing" rather than reporting
  an error?

The example above, when started from a desktop icon,
in windos 7 enterprise.

Ah, maybe I have misunderstood what you meant: I thought you meant the invalid option is silently ignored, but you meant that when started like that, an invalid option causes setup to silently do nothing.

That's because the error is being written to a non-existent console. Unfortunately, knowing if we've been started from a terminal or not to report the error appropriately is a bit of a problem.

Depending on the results of the tests suggested with wget, I
  >> consider changing or removing
  the user-agent reported by cygwin setup,
  >> or providing such an option.
  > This snapshot adds a
  --user-agent option, which allows the user agent
  > string to be specified.
  > https://cygwin.com/setup/setup-2.878-8-gee3cea.x86.exe
  > https://cygwin.com/setup/setup-2.878-8-gee3cea.x86_64.exe
> Could you let me know if this helps, or if
  you've given up, so I know
  what to do
  with these patches?

Sorry, I missed seeing this before. The suggestion of testing
combinations of wget, curl and lynx with a few different user agents
was more than I had time for then, but I haven't given up.

I tried the above setup 3 ways. It doesn't help.
With Firefox user agent and proxy entered
With iE user agent and proxy entered

These haven't changed so you don't need to test them.

With iE user agent and use iE settings selected

Setup does not ask for username and password.
Wget needs those and gets them from .wgetrc or .bashrc.

Oh well, thanks for testing.

2017/05/26 10:27:15 HTTP status 403 fetching http://cygwin.com/mirrors.lst

setup doesn't ask for username/password because it doesn't get a "407 Proxy Authorization Required" response, just a "403 Forbidden".

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