On 5/28/2017 9:46 AM, Michele wrote:

Il 27 maggio 2017 20:25:45 CEST, Michele <michele.bu...@gmail.com> ha scritto:

Il 27 maggio 2017 20:22:46 CEST, Michele <michele.bu...@gmail.com> ha
I'm running Linux Debian as host and i would like to create a
cross-compiler like mingw that uses cygwin.dll as libc, so I can
compile software with POSIX support such as bash..is this possible?

the target of course is a WINDOWS (XP) system.

I know Windows XP it is now unsupported by cygwin and I apoligize for making 
such a question, but let's suppose I want to make a cross-compiler targeting a 
newer supported version of windows what should i do? Let's remember that I'm 
using Debian as host and the Windows system is the target :)

I would start here:


Since gcc runs on cygwin, the gcc source includes support for cygwin as a 
You will need to *build* gcc from source on your Debian platform, with cygwin as
the target.  (Note that there are 32-bit and 64-bit versions of cygwin.)  As the
wikipedia page points out, you will need to build binutils from source as well,
again with cygwin as the target.

In principle this is straightforward, though of course in practice any number of
difficulties might arise ...

Regards - Eliot Moss

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