Turns out, the problem IS in newlib.

First, create a buffer of the appropriate length:
buffer = g_new (gchar, g_printf_string_upper_bound (format, args1));

And then format the data into that buffer.
vsprintf (buffer, format, args2);

But the buffer isn't long enough, so the actual problem is *probably* somewhere in the g_printf_string_upper_bound() routine, that computes the appropriate length.
Well, not exactly. g_printf_string_upper_bound returns 30k, which is more than sufficient, actually. An annotated "stack trace" is below.

(ignore the stuff about impure_ptr, I wrote that stuff when I thought there was a problem with insuffient memory allocation in that structure, as used by *printf. I was both right and wrong, but impure_ptr is not the problem...)

initializes a FILE variable f. Sets f._data = _impure_ptr
calls vfprintf(&f, ....)

makes sure f is good (which it will be, in this case)
calls _vfprintf_r(f->_data, ...) which is simply
_vfprintf_r(impure_ptr, ...)

does the basic work. When the fmt string has a %f or other floating point specifier, it calls cvt(data, ...) to do the actual formatting. data is simply impure_ptr.

sets 'char *digits' to _ldtoa_r(data, ....) [again, data is our impure_ptr.)

first off , enforces a limit on ndigits of 42 on cygwin (see ldtoa.c, #define NDEC for the algorithm). So 10000 is right out. However, this is the problem:

cvt doesn't know that _ldtoa_r overrode ndigits to a "mere" 42. So, in this code (part of cvt()):

1168 digits = _ldtoa_r(data, value, mode, ndigits, decpt, &dsgn, &rve);
1169 #endif /* !_NO_LONGDBL */
1171 if ((ch != 'g' && ch != 'G') || flags & ALT)
1172 bp = digits + ndigits;

we set bp to something WAY past the end of digits. Since rve points to the actual end of digits (where the '\0' is)...

1173 if (ch == 'f') {
1174 if (*digits == '0' && value)
1175 *decpt = -ndigits + 1;
1176 bp += *decpt;
1177 }
1178 if (value == 0)
1179 rve = bp;
1180 while (rve < bp)
1181 *rve++ = '0';

and then try to put 0's into digits[43...10000] in the while loop (lines 1180 and 1181). But, there were only 24 + (2^3-1)*4 == 52 bytes allocated for digits.

I'm not sure what the correct fix is...should ndigits be passed by reference to _ldtoa_r, so that cvt "knows" that it got changed? (Ditto pass-by-reference to cvt so that vfprintf_r knows about the override as well). This changes the signature of these two (admittedly internal) routines, but I'm not sure of the "ripple effects" such a change might cause.

Or is this a case of "doctor, it hurts when I do this?" "Don't call printf with prec specifiers greater than 42, then."


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