
I have deleted all but var and dev from my C:\cygwin folder (which was quite painful and time-consuming BTW) and then moved the cygwin folder to my Documents folder and then deleted a Cygwin desktop icon and two Cygwin folders from my Start > All Programs menu. Is that sufficient to give me a clean uninstall so that I can do a brand new Cygwin install without problems? I did it that way because I couldn't figure out any other way of uninstalling Cygwin.

The reason that I want to do a clean re-install is because as per advice from the list I now want to do a selective install rather than installing whole Categories as I have before.

Thanks very much in advance for any help. I would appreciate replies from multiple people to make sure that the advice I'm getting is generally agreed upon.


I *AM* a unique and special snowflake

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