is there any update on this please?

On 15.05.2017 20:21, Eric Blake wrote:
> On 05/15/2017 12:09 PM, Steven Penny wrote:
>> On Sat, 13 May 2017 15:11:00, Eric Blake wrote:
>>> You're making it sound like I'm actively trying to hurt you. Rather, it's a 
>>> case where it is a problem that doesn't affect me personally, and I have
>>> limited enough spare time as it is, so I haven't yet tried to reproduce 
>>> things to see if I can isolate what behavior changed.
>>> I would love help solving the issue.  Absent that help, you'll just have to 
>>> wait for me to have time.
>> But I have helped - in the very post of mine you just quoted, I put this 
>> link:
>> that post of mine contains not only the commit in question, but even 
>> potentially the file in question and even possibly the section of the file 
>> in 
>> question. You never even responded to that post.
> Probably because I did not even see the post at the time. (While I try to 
> keep up with Cygwin email, I also get hundreds of other mails per day, and 
> when
> Cygwin is limited to my free time, sometimes things slip through the cracks). 
>  In life, and therefore in open source, it is often that the squeaky wheel
> gets the grease; if something isn't getting the attention you think it 
> deserves, it is not bad to ping the thread to bring it back to the forefront.
> Thanks for the ping. I've now replied to that thread to ask upstream bash for 
> help in deciphering if Chet, who wrote the code, might be aware of why it is
> breaking things.
> That said, I still hope to get a closer look at it myself when I have a nice 
> chunk of time; but the trick is still getting that nice chunk of time.

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