On Fri, 03 Jan 2003, Gerrit P. Haase wrote:

> [...perl pagefaults...]

> > I think this was only happening when something tried to fork().  Couldn't say
> > exactly.

> Can you (or someone else) can provide a small script which demonstrates
> the failure, I'm just running a CPAN shell which is loading lots of
> modules and it works well here.

Here is perldoc perlfaq9 (?)'s mailsending routine:


        # use CPAN;

        open(SENDMAIL, "|/usr/bin/exim -t")
                       or die "Can't fork for sendmail: $!\n";
        print SENDMAIL <<"EOF";
        From: User Originating Mail <USER\@localhost>
        To: Final Destination <USER\@localhost>
        Subject: A relevant subject line                                               
        Body of the message goes here after the blank line
        in as many lines as you like.
        close(SENDMAIL)     or warn "sendmail didn't close nicely";

There are no error messages. But, uncomment the 'use CPAN', or
any other module of your choice, and you will get 6 (number
depending on the module) messages like this:

        PERL caused an invalid page fault in
        module CYGWIN1.DLL at 017f:61084b28.
        EAX=00000000 CS=017f EIP=61084b28 EFLGS=00010206
        EBX=00b95000 SS=0187 ESP=0073f338 EBP=0073f340
        ECX=83a0a310 DS=0187 ESI=0073f368 FS=120f
        EDX=83a0a318 ES=0187 EDI=610c1a88 GS=0000
        Bytes at CS:EIP:
        8b 00 89 ec 5d c3 89 f6 55 89 e5 83 ec 08 a1 70 
        Stack dump:
        610df648 610c1a88 0073f380 61070c3c 610c1968 00000000
        00b9368c 6108706b 00000050 df0df046 0073f380 610895dc
        610c1968 00000000 00000014 bff74277 

All that you need is the open line:


        use CPAN;

        open(MAILER, '|/usr/bin/exim');

I still get 6 error messages. If I comment the 'use CPAN' back
out, I don't get the error messages.

Greg Matheson                Alice: Which way should I go from here? 
Chinmin College              Cat: That depends on where you want to go.
Taiwan Penpals Archive       Alice: I don't much care where.
penpals.chinmin.edu.tw/     Cat: Then it doesn't matter which way you go.

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