On September 8, 2017 9:05:31 AM EDT, "Nellis, Kenneth" 
<kenneth.nel...@conduent.com> wrote:
>From: David Billinghurst 
>> On 8/09/2017 14:39, Ben Stover via cygwin wrote:
>> > Assume I get to another (Windows) computer where Cygwin is already
>> installed.
>> >
>> > How can I find out which version of Cygwin is currently installed?
>> cygcheck --version             # for cygwin dll
>> ...
>This isn't technically correct, right? This gives the version of
>cygcheck itself, not the cygwin DLL, which is what was really
>being requested.
>Instead, use: cygcheck -c cygwin
>Or, as I do (and Corinna already suggested): uname -a
>or, more quietly: uname -r

Fwiw, from what I've seen, only 
cygcheck -c cygwin 
gives the full x.y.z-n version.
All other suggestions give only
x.y.z without -n

Small difference, but...

Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.


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