I have uploaded mintty 2.8.0 with the following changes.
This release features 3 major enhancements:
  * Virtual Tabs feature set, including a session switcher and launcher
  * filled gaps in DEC terminal support up to VT300 series level
  * simplified WSL integration


Window and session control
  * Virtual Tabs (#8, #600).
  * Options SessionCommands, SessionGeomSync, Menu*.

  * New option BellFlashStyle (#676) and more moderate default flash style.
  * Option -l / --log implies Logging=yes.
  * `mintheme` command-line theme switcher (#685).
  * Preventing @cjknarrow locale modifier for WSL (#686).
  * Fixed Alt+F2 in same dir (with OSC 701) not to expand symbolic links.
  * Options HighlightBackgroundColour and HighlightForegroundColour.

WSL support
  * Option --WSL= to run WSL session (mintty/wsltty#52, mintty/wsltty#59, ~mintty/wsltty#60).
  * Option -~ to start in user's home directory (~mintty/wsltty#3).
  * Update availability check for wsltty build refers to wsltty version (mintty/wsltty#20).
  * Fixed rootfs handling in pathname conversion (mintty/wsltty#19).

Terminal control sequences
  * Fixed status string DECRQSS (#689, #690, mintty/wsltty#55, vim/vim#2003).
  * DEC Locator mouse mode (facilitating pixel-based position).
  * DECRQM request mode (to reach VT300 conformance level).
  * Save/Restore DEC Private Mode (DECSET) values (#267).
  * DECSTR soft terminal reset.
  * DSR DEC variant (cursor/printer status).
  * REP: repeat preceding character.
  * OSC 50: set/query font.
  * OSC 17/19/117/119: set/reset selection highlight colours.

Character display
  * Tweaked width expansion of ambiguous-width characters (#680, ~#638, ~#615).
  * Fixed notes on ambiguous-width handling with Locale parameter (~#686).
  * Legacy character set support: NRC, DEC Supplemental, GR invocation.
  * Fixed NRC single shift with attributes.
  * DEC Tech: tweaked √/Σ segments (hand-drawn), fixed double-size characters.
  * Fraktur font support (ANSI character attribute 20).

  * Workaround for broken AltGr of Windows on-screen keyboard (#692).

Localization meanwhile available for (in alphabetical order of locale ids):
  * German, English (UK/US), Spanish, French, Japanese, Russian, Chinese.

The homepage is at http://mintty.github.io/
It also links to the issue tracker.


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