zpaq is a free and open source incremental, journaling command-line


Incremental means that when you back up your hard drive, for example:

  zpaq add /cygdrive/e/backup.zpaq /cygdrive/c/*

then only those files whose last-modified date or size has changed since
the previous backup are added. For 100 GB of files, this typically takes
about a minute, vs. an hour to create the first version. Journaling
means that the archive is append-only. When you add files or directories
to the archive, both the old and new versions are saved. You can recover
old versions by specifying the date or version number, for example:

  zpaq extract /cygdrive/e/backup.zpaq /home/me -to tmp -until 2013-10-30

will extract all the files and directories in /home/me as of the last
backup on or before Oct. 30, 2013 and put them in a directory named tmp.

zpaq is faster and compresses better than most other popular archivers
and backup programs, especially for realistic backups that have a lot of
duplicate files and a lot of already compressed files.


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