On Tue, Dec 24, 2002 at 03:33:08AM -0500, Steve O wrote:
> Hi,
> rxvt is a terminal program that can be used instead of the windows
> command shell.  It does not require an X server.
> This release enables the NeXT and xterm scrollbars as well as
> Shift-KP+ and Shift-KP- to change fonts.   Thanks to Sergei Okhapkin for
> pointing out that the font changing keys did not work.

Can I use NeXT scrollbars in non-X ? If yes - how ? I have difficulties
to get the right cl option. 'rxvt -scrollstyle:next' gives an error.
Gruss Olaf Föllinger

Olaf Föllinger
S.E.S.A. Software und Systeme AG

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