unison2.51-2.51.0 is now available in Cygwin.

Unison is a file synchronizer for Unix and Windows. It allows two replicas
of a collection of files and directories to be stored on different hosts
(or on different disks on the same host), modified separately, and then
brought up to date by propagating the changes in each replica to the other.

About Unison packages in Cygwin

Unison is packaged for Cygwin as several independent packages, each providing a
version of Unison that is incompatible with the others.  You have to run
compatible versions of Unison on the client and server, or Unison will issue an
error message and quit.  Two versions of Unison are compatible if and only if
the first two numbers in their version strings are the same.  For example, all
versions 2.32.* are compatible with each other, and incompatible with versions
2.40.*.  By installing one or more of the packages listed above, you can run
whichever version you need in order to synchronize with your server.

The unison* packages install a convenience symlink from /usr/bin/unison to
one of the versioned unison executables, e.g. unison-2.51.exe.
alternatives(8) is used to manage the symlink.  If the symlink is being
managed in "auto" mode, then it will automatically track the highest
numbered version of unison that you have installed.  You can override this
by either changing the symlink manually with ln(1), or, preferably, by
using alternatives(8):

alternatives --display unison   shows you the installed versions of unison,
their priorities, which executable the symlink points to, and whether the
symlink is being managed in "auto" or "manual" mode.

alternatives --config unison   presents a menu from which you can choose
which version you want to use as the default.  This puts the symlink in
manual mode.

alternatives --auto unison   puts the symlink in automatic mode, where it
will always point to the highest numbered version of unison that's
installed on your host.

alternatives --set unison /usr/bin/unison-$V.exe   forces the symlink to
point to unison-$V.exe, and puts it in manual mode.

Please see alternatives(8) for more details.

Andrew E. Schulman


To update your installation, click on the "Install Cygwin now" link on
the http://cygwin.com/ web page.  This downloads setup.exe to your
system.  Then, run setup and answer all of the questions.


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