On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 10:35 AM, George Prikhodko <gp1...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> Have you tried to set in your ~/.emacs file ‘tramp-verbose’ variable?
> If not, then add to the file the following line:
> (setq tramp-verbose 6)
> In '*debug tramp/scp remote_host_name*' buffer you'll see all interactions
> between tramp, ssh and your remote host.

Well, that's odd.  I decided to get back to this, and now I see that
this is working perfectly fine.  The only thing I've changed is
setting this verbose variable to 6.  However, I then changed it back
to 1 and retested, and it's still working fine.

I'm confused.

> On Fri, Jan 5, 2018 at 10:37 AM, David Karr <davidmichaelk...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> On Thu, Jan 4, 2018 at 5:15 PM, Ken Brown <kbr...@cornell.edu> wrote:
>> > On 1/4/2018 5:42 PM, David Karr wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I've reviewed some of the Emacs tramp documentation, but I'm not sure
>> >> what the issue is.
>> >>
>> >> If I'm using Cygwin, I don't need the putty components for this, do I?
>> >
>> >
>> > No, I make ssh connections through Emacs tramp without putty.
>> >
>> >> When I attempt to open a text file in my homedir on a remote host,
>> >> which I can ssh to (passwordless) from the shell, it just times out.
>> >>
>> >> The *Messages* buffer shows this (fqhn is the hostname):
>> >> ------------------
>> >> Tramp: Opening connection for fqhn using scp...
>> >> Tramp: Sending command ‘exec ssh   -o ControlMaster=auto -o
>> >> ControlPath='tramp.%C' -o ControlPersist=no -e none fqhn’
>> >> Tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell...
>> >> Timeout reached, see buffer ‘*tramp/scp fqhn*’ for details
>> >> Tramp: Waiting for prompts from remote shell...failed
>> >> Tramp: Opening connection for fqhn using scp...failed
>> >> -----------------------
>> >>
>> >> There doesn't appear to be a buffer named "*tramp/scp fqhn*".
>> >
>> >
>> > Sorry, I don't know enough about tramp to diagnose this.  Maybe it would
>> > help if you would say exactly what commands you gave.  And does the
>> problem
>> > occur if you start with 'emacs -Q'?
>> What "commands" am I giving?  All I'm trying to do is open a single
>> file on the remote host.
>> I'm entering "//fqhn:/home/<myuid>/.bash_profile".
>> I get different behavior using "emacs -Q".  I don't get a timeout
>> error, but I also don't think it even attempted to connect to the
>> remote box.  The editor view just opens with the given name, but it's
>> empty (it shouldn't be).  The "*Messages*" buffer doesn't indicate
>> that it ever tried to make a connection.  It also says "Use M-x
>> make-directory RET RET to create the directory and its parents".
>> The other frustrating issue with my full Emacs configuration is that
>> when I enter the second forward slash, key response vastly, and I mean
>> vastly, slows down. I've gone through the tramp FAQ looking for
>> potential performance issues, but nothing has helped.
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