On 1/15/2018 11:13 PM, Tony Cook wrote:
> tony@saturn ~/dev/perl/git
> $ cc -o132648.exe 132648.c
> tony@saturn ~/dev/perl/git
> $ ./132648
> /home/tony/dev/perl/git/foo
> On Linux that program outputs:
> tony@mars:.../newlib/git$ ./132648
> getcwd: No such file or directory
> Is that inconsistency with other platforms intentional?

Not intentional as much as it is unfortunate because of the nature of ...

> If it isn't, are there any plans to make it consistent with
> Linux/other POSIX-like systems?
> Note: I'm not requesting this be fixed.  I have perl test code that
> needs to be skip the test with the current behaviour, or allow
> execution if the behaviour is made more consistent.
> Thanks,
> Tony
> If it matters:
> tony@saturn ~/dev/perl/git
> $ uname -a
> CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW saturn 2.9.0(0.318/5/3) 2017-09-12 10:41 i686 Cygwin
> * Win32 doesn't allow removing the current directory:
>   C:\Users\tony>.\132648
>   rmdir: Permission denied

the Windows OS.  Cygwin has an array of removed file structure items
that could not be removed because of the nature of the OS.  The file
structure still exists until it is closed.  Perhaps the Cygwin's version
of getcwd() could check the list of items waiting to be removed but I'll
leave that to someone else to say.

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