On 2018-01-18 18:45, Brian Inglis wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Not seen any posts here about the monster in the chip yet (although those who
> might know may be busy dealing with the issues in their jobs), so has anyone 
> any
> idea if or when we might see upstream Spectre CVE patches available for the
> following packages, whose bases have been mentioned in the many articles
> published recently, and has anyone seen mention of any other packages likely 
> to
> be affected?
> cygwin32-gcc-core 6.4.0-1
> djgpp-gcc-core 5.4.0-1
> gcc-core 6.4.0-4
> libjavascriptcoregtk3.0_0 2.0.4-5
> libvirt-common 3.6.0-1
> libwebkitgtk3.0_0 2.0.4-5
> mingw64-i686-gcc-core 6.4.0-1
> mingw64-x86_64-gcc-core 6.4.0-2

Forgot about:

llvm 5.0.1-1

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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