On 04/02/2018 11:09, Marco Atzeri wrote:
On 04/02/2018 03:19, Steven Penny wrote:
On Sat, 12 Oct 2013 23:48:00, <cygwin at kosowsky dot org> wrote:
The installed.db seems to always list packages as being tar.bz2 even
when they are tar.xz.

Is there any reason for this? Or is it a bug?


This is an old thread, but it appears this issue was never answered and
persists. For example, /etc/setup/installed.db has entries like this:

it is an historical shortcut in the setup code.
".tar.bz2" is just added to package name and version,
it is not really derived from the package file

$ grep -H  "tar.bz2" package_db.cc
package_db.cc:      pkgm.name + "-" + std::string(pkgm.installed.Canonical_version()) + ".tar.bz2 " +

When we moved from bz2 to xz, that shortcut was not changed.

More, it was kept like that for backwards compatibility.

Specifically, cygcheck is a consumer of this file, and until [1], didn't know of the existence of other compression types.

The comment [2] above the source line mentioned describes the format of installed.db.

[1] https://cygwin.com/git/gitweb.cgi?p=newlib-cygwin.git;a=commitdiff;h=9a2f0cff8fc6706d16356552b86c1e0c8ba35ddf

[2] https://sourceware.org/git/gitweb.cgi?p=cygwin-setup.git;a=blob;f=package_db.cc;h=730cb78c3d3ce33907cdd9d3a0de3857694fdc37;hb=HEAD#l292

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