I have an executable (created in Cygwin) located on a mobile drive D:

$ ls -al /cygdrive/d/src/sc.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ferg dell 1426958 Jan 28 17:44 /cygdrive/d/src/sc.exe*
$ cygcheck /cygdrive/d/src/sc.exe
<snip> # but it all works

Now omit the need for /cygdrive/ by writing /etc/fstab as
none / cygdrive binary 0 0
and re-start Cygwin.

$ ls -al /d/src/sc.exe
-rwxr-xr-x 1 ferg dell 1426958 Jan 28 17:44 /d/src/sc.exe*
$ cygcheck /d/src/sc.exe
cygcheck: could not find '/d/src/sc.exe'

Why can't cygcheck find the file?
(Particularly, when ls can. And so can, say, md5sum.)

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