On Mar  5 12:46, Michel LaBarre wrote:
> Sorry folks but I am going to top post for the sake of clarity.  The original 
> msg is below for reference.
> Corinna, I ran the following and I attached the trace file:
>       E:\junk>ls > Zot.txt
>       E:\junk>ls
>       Zot.txt
>       E:\junk>strace -o d2u.trace dos2unix -n Zot.txt Zot.txt
>       dos2unix: converting file Zot.txt to file Zot.txt in Unix format...
>       E:\junk>ls
>       ZOT.TXT  d2u.trace
> [...]

Thanks.  The culprit is really most likely the system.  Cygwin never
observes or uses an all-uppercase name while doing its thing.


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Maintainer                 cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
Red Hat

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