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Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail) wrote:
>> From: Max Bowsher [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
>>> From: "Hannu E K Nevalainen (garbage mail)"

>>> Also: I feel that I have to verify settings all the time. I download
>>> packages into a local directory, then install them
>>> from there, to be able to REINSTALL all of it, fresh - in case of
>>> trouble, whatever "sort of" it might be.
>> I did this for ages, until I found out that "Install from Internet"
>> does maintain a local directory you can install from again.
>  And where is that directory located? I do NOT want it to be on a
> hardcoded location (like C:\cygwin\ or something) because of backup
> AND space considerations.

The directory you specify in "Select Local Package Directory".

> NOTHING except actually installing something should write to C:
> e.g. "My Documents" should ALWAYS be elsewhere. Software settings that
> are _USER_SPECIFIC_ should NEVER be on C: - they belong in "/home" or
> some such (compare Unix/Linux).

I agree.

>>> I have to run the utility twice AND click the NEXT
>>> button "a hundred times" ;-)
>>> My suggesttion: Add an option to "use last settings" for the
>>> selected operation (download or install), having it GO at once.
>> Which settings? Mostly I find I can just hit Enter a few times.
>  All of it. What if you hit another key first, then Enter?
> IMHO: Setup should have a "setup screen" ;-) containing all of it.
> Then first ask "Run" or "Change settings"; where  "Run" is equal to
> using the presets.

How is this easier than tapping Enter a few times?
Are there any settings you have to change from the default every time?

>> Its quite simple. Setup requires a connection until the
>> "Downloading" phase
>> has ended, after which it says "Installing".
>  Yes, of course ;-)
>  Maybe I was a bit unclear here; I'm "always" doing other stuff while
> the/any download proceeds in the background. I'd still like to be
> notified(sp) about it having finished, in a sane manner - so I can go
> on typing (or whatever)...
> NOTE THE PROBLEM: Do not pop up an ACTIVE dialog; I would be typing
> on the keyboard, thus possibly ruining it all.

"Beep after long operation" ? Sane, but I personally don't have time to code


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