On Fri 2018-04-20 (07:25), Brian Inglis wrote:

> Cygwin supports Windows ACLs as POSIX ACLs, which are also supported by
> Linux. Use setfacl to set similar default ACLs (DACLs) on a Linux
> directory, rerun your test there, and you should see similar results.

(How) can I completly remove ACLs from the cygwin files and directories?
The standard UNIX permissions are sufficent for my needs and much easier
to handle :-}

> *Never* remove DACLs from any Windows directory which will *ever* be used
> with any non-Cygwin Windows program: /undefined behaviour/ will result.

Uuups... thanks for the warning!

Ullrich Horlacher              Server und Virtualisierung
Rechenzentrum TIK         
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