I did, but later decided against using it in general, as more often
than not I was rebooting windows again anyway.

-- Erik
"I do not think any of us are truly sane, Caleb. Not even you. Courage
is not sanity. Being willing to die for someone else is not sanity."
... "Love is not sane, nor is faith." ... "If sanity lacks those
things, Caleb, I want no part of it."

-- Alexandria Terri in "Weaving the Wyvern" by Alexis Desiree Thorne

On Sun, Apr 29, 2018 at 9:57 PM, Dave Caswell <dave.casw...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Has anyone created a batch file that stops the cygwin services, runs
> setup to get updates in the background, and then restarts the
> services??
> Doing it manually, I occasionally forget to restart the services and
> things stop working until I remember to start them up  again.
> Thanks
> --
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