On 2018-05-11 15:28, Brian Inglis wrote:
> On 2018-05-11 10:46, Mike Yates wrote:
>>> Date: 9 May 2018 at 11:09
>>> Subject: cyggdkcardimage-0.dll for sol.exe
>>> To: Hansom Young 
>>> I just want Aisleriot games running in my Cygwin setup (xfce2) but can't
>>> find that dll that it needs anywhere in the Gnuwin downloads at Sourceforge.
>>> Any chance you could just email it to me?
>>> Will I hit any more dependancies?
>> I wonder if you can help me?
>> I got no response from the packager:-
> If it's still supported, using Cygwin setup to reinstall libkdegames1,
> libkdegames6, and kdegames3. There are aisleriot files in libkdegames1, but no
> cyggdkcardimage dll, although it could have been combined into cygkdegames 
> dll.

Aisleriot is GNOME, not KDE...


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