On 6/16/2018 9:33 AM, Soegtrop, Michael wrote:
> Dear Marco,
>> this is due to the preference given by Windows to load dll's from the same
>> directory where the program is resident instead of using the ones in the PATH
> yes, this is expected behavior. What is not expected is that the location of 
> the system root in the Windows file system does not depend on the loaded 
> cygwin1.dll.

Cygwin uses the parent of the path containing the cygwin1.dll as the
root path.  Having multiple Cygwin's on disk isn't an issue.  Starting
another session of a Cygwin using cygwin1.dll on a different path is.
It just doesn't work properly.  Your use of windows cmd to clear the
environment and start another session on a different path works because
the children then don't have a reference to the original parent.

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