On Thu, 21 Jun 2018 12:12:39, Houder wrote:
> On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 14:09:59, Lee wrote:
> > I'm looking at
> >   https://cygwin.com/packaging-hint-files.html#pvr.hint
> > and it starts off with
> >   Use UTF-8 character encoding.
> > 
> > How do I do that and how do I check that I actually did use UTF-8
> > character encoding _without_ using file?
> [snip]
> > I used vi to create both files & I'd like to understand why file says
> > one is ascii & the other is utf-8
> vim can tell you that in the statusline ...
> :help statusline
> :help encoding
> Ask Google to help you with the details: GS: "vim show encoding in status".
> E.g.
>  - http://vim.wikia.com/wiki/Show_fileencoding_and_bomb_in_the_status_line
>    (Show fileencoding and bomb in the status line)
> As an example:
> set laststatus=2
> "set statusline=...
> set statusline+=\ en:\ %{strlen(&enc)\ ?\ &enc\ :\ 'x'}
> "set statusline+...

Also read:

   (How can I set VIM's default encoding to UTF-8?)

for a "quickstart" on the subject of character encoding/vim.


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