On 2018-06-28 16:13, Lemures Lemniscati wrote:
> On Tue, 10 Apr 2018 14:57:30 -0500, Yaakov Selkowitz wrote:
>> The following packages have been uploaded to the Cygwin distribution:
>> * noto-fonts-common-20171024-1.git8ef14e6
>> * noto-fonts-20171024-1.git8ef14e6
>> Noto's goal is to provide a beautiful reading experience for everyone and 
>> for all languages. Currently, Noto covers all major languages of the world 
>> and many others, including European, African, Middle Eastern, Indic, South 
>> and Southeast Asian, Central Asian, American, and East Asian languages. 
>> Several minority and historical languages are also supported.
>> This is an update to the latest upstream release.

> Thank you for maintaining many packages.> I would like to have a package 
> containing a series of fonts
> NotoSerifCJK-*.ttc:>   NotoSerifCJK-Bold.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-Regular.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-Black.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-ExtraLight.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-Light.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-Medium.ttc
>   NotoSerifCJK-SemiBold.ttc
> Please add them, when you have time.
As explained with details in:


SuperOTC format font packages are only supported under recent MacOS 10.8/iOS7,
Linux fontconfig and freetype, and W10 1703 releases or later;

OTC format font packages are only supported under recent MacOS 10.8/iOS7, Linux
fontconfig and freetype, and W10 1607 releases or later;

Multilingual/Language-specific OTF, OTC, and SuperOTC format font packages are
only usable by apps supporting the OpenType GSUB table locl feature tag;

otherwise only Region-specific OTF format font packages may be usable.

This is mentioned without the support details in:


so there may be limitations on which of these alternatives may be deployed and
used, depending on how much, if any, Cygwin components depend on Windows font
handling, for command line (e.g. gnuplot, R, octave) and X Window graphics apps,
and each app's OpenType support for language, script, and feature tags.

Take care. Thanks, Brian Inglis, Calgary, Alberta, Canada

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