On 7/11/2018 12:34 PM, Mark Hansen wrote:
On 7/11/2018 10:34 AM, Heavenly Avenger wrote:
I have these versions, and nc is here happy and playful.

It is possible you attempted an upgrade while cygwin programs were
running? Cygwin services also count. This is due a limitation on windows
which locks files when they are in use, so cygwin updates can't replace
the files and end up failing.

You may ensure everything is closed and services stopped, re-run
setup-x86_64.exe, selecting the 'nc' package and switching it to
"Reinstall". Then let the setup do its things.

If the setup is hanging, or have hung up and you had to force-close it
the last install attempt you did, this is a strong sign that not just
nc, but several other packages that have been attempted to upgrade may
be compromised. To ensure that is not the case, a good

cygcheck -c

should help.

The package nc-1.10-4.tar.bz2 has 'usr/bin/nc.exe', which is the file
you claim missing.

Hope this helps! :)

Thanks for your help. I have notes that show what all I need to shut down when 
doing the
install. I caught all them (Cygwin SSHD, Cygwin cygserver, the X Server, and 
anything running
cygwin shells, etc.) - I think that's everything.

When I run cygcheck -c, it shows Incomplete on the two packages (nc and nc6) so 
they definitely
had problems, and appear to be the only ones which did.

I see that the .bz2 file is in my downloads area (I download to local without 
install, and then
install from local).

I tried running bunzip2 on that file and then extracting it using tar. The 
bunzip2 completed
quickly but the tar command took a long time (I'm not sure what it was doing 
during this time).

I'll try shutting everything down and doing a reinstall on the netcat stuff.


There is an error happening during the installation. I get a pop-up with the 

  Can't open 
x86_64/release/libfm-qt/libfm-qt5-common/libfm-qt5-common-0.11.1-1.tar.xz for 
reading: Unknown filename

This appears to be what is keeping nc and nc6 from installing properly.

There are lots of .xz files in the release, so perhaps the problem is the file 
name is too long?

Is there some way I can work around this?


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