On 7/21/2018 3:51 PM, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> Am 21.07.2018 um 21:22 schrieb Takashi Yano:
>> On Sat, 21 Jul 2018 14:44:57 -0400
>> cyg Simple wrote:
>>> Uninstall openssl-devel 1.0.2o-1 (automatically added)
>>> Install libsqlite3-devel 3.21.0-1
>>> Install openssl-devel 1.0.2o-1
>> I can't reproduce this.
>> $ cygcheck -c openssl-devel
>> Cygwin Package Information
>> Package              Version        Status
>> openssl-devel        1.0.2o-1       OK
>> Then installing libsqlite3-devel says just:
>> Install libsqlite3-devel 3.21.0-1
> that is expected as the only dependency is
>   requires: libsqlite3_0
> Ken's hypothesis is the most likely: setup was asked to
> re-install openssl-devel

No, I did not ask to reinstall openssl-devel, I simply started
setup-x86_64.exe and searched for libsqlite3-devel, selected it for
install then clicked the Next button.  Since others cannot reproduce
this then I'll just leave it as is and take it as a surprise for just me.

cyg Simple

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