> If you are certain, perhaps you could name the last working version -
similar to 
> git bisect - this would aid greatly in debugging this. 

Yes, I am certain. readline 6.3.8-1 is working, and 7.0.1-1 is broken.

To be clear, the issue is nothing to do with the particular keybinding.
Whatever I bind
paste-from-clipboard to in .inputrc, the result is a no-op when using
versions of 
readline 7.0.1-1 and later.

It seems that you yourself reported another issue with readline 7.0.1-1 on
Jan 13th, 2017,
which as far as I can see is still not resolved. It's a shame that the
working versions
of readline are no longer readily available in the mirrors.

Based on that thread, it looks like it might be significant to mention that
I am running
bash from within cmd.exe.

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