On 8/13/2018 10:41 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
> On Aug 13 08:50, cyg Simple wrote:
>> On 8/13/2018 3:49 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>>> On Aug 10 11:28, cyg Simple wrote:
>>>> Looking at the files delivered by the cygwin upgrade I see
>>>> /usr/sbin/cygserver.exe and /usr/bin/cygserver-config.  Shouldn't
>>>> cygserver-config reside in /usr/sbin with cygserver.exe?
>> You didn't answer this with your below answer.  The cygserver-config
>> requires administrator privilege so it would be better placed with
>> cygserver.exe in sbin, IMO.
>>>> Also in that vain shouldn't cyglsa belong in /usr/sbin?
>>> Nope.  /usr/bin is where the DLLs are, so they can be found
>>> even if PATH isn't set up.
>> But cyglsa{,64}.dll is a standalone without any other binary.  It is
>> only accessed by the OS for the LSA support if the registry key exists.
>> This means the cyglsa-config can be modified to point to the sbin
>> directory instead of the bin directory.  Again administrator privilege
>> is required so better placed in sbin, IMO.
> cyglsa.dll requires an install script that would have to be change as
> well.  In contrast, you'd have to make sure your new solution still
> works for existing installations.  What's the gain?  Does it *hurt* to
> have the stuff in /usr/bin like everything else?

No but then why have cygserver.exe in /usr/sbin?  Either there should be
a separation because of required administrative rights or there
shouldn't be at all.  Having it both ways is just confusing even if the
confusion isn't apparent to you.

> If you want trhis questionable changes desperately, feel free to provide
> patches on the cygwin-patches ML.

When I feel that the answers to my question have been thought out I
would entertain a patch to cygwin-patches.  I realize the cyglsa-config
script requires a change should cyglsa*.dll moves and an update option
would need to be provided for those who have configured it already.

cyg Simple

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