On Sat, 11 Jan 2003 18:54:08 -0800 John David Galt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

> > > When attempting to install this update I get an error message saying that
> > > "cygwin1.DLL" is not installed.  Where do I get it and how do I install it,
> > > since the automated install process can't?

Setup.exe doesn't depend on cygwin1.dll.  Any postinstall scripts
probably do, but they should be able to find the dll if the rest of
the installation isn't corrupted.

Try re-installing the cygwin package from the local directory using
setup.exe, then exit setup.exe and run it again to re-install your
other packages.  Not using setup.exe makes it much harder for anyone
here to help and most of us won't try.

http://cygwin.com/bugs.html may help you track this down further.  The
output from cygcheck.exe may be particularly interesting.

> > Do you have the path to your cygwin bin directory in your path? eg.
> > c:\cygwin\bin? If not if you add that to your path environment variable this
> > should go away.
> What path?  I'm running Windows 98.  There doesn't seem to be any path for
> me to set.  C:\autoexec.bat (where PATH was set in earlier versions of
> Windows) consists of one SET BLASTER=string command followed by
> gibberish.

Your c:\autoexec.bat may be corrupted.  I think Win98 and WinME still
use autoexec.bat for setting global environment variables.  It should
be a text file in any case.

Adding c:\cygwin\bin to your global %PATH% is useful for normal
operations, but it should not affect setup.exe or any postinstall

> Should I be running SETUP.EXE via a Windows shortcut in order to set a PATH
> private to that DOS window?  If so, what settings are needed?

It shouldn't matter.  I have a copy of setup.exe in the base directory
of my local package archive cache tree (i.e., local directory) with a
shortcut pointing to it, but you should be able to run it from
anywhere by any means you like.

Mac :})
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