Hi, recently I have been trying to download/install all current  
("default") cygwin packages  aka do so called full install (yes, I know 
it advised not to do so, however it is only for testing  purposes/statistics). 
All went well except THIS ONLY bad file socat-debuginfo- located 
in "(mirror)\x86_64\release\socat  This particular file is 0 (zero) bytes 
size across ALL mirrors, and the cygwin istaller reports  error during install 
("Can't open file for reading (...) Unrecognisable file format").   
Please if someone could fix this error or forward this message to proper 
person.   P.S.: I have done only "current" version test - there may be 
some other broken zero  lenght files across mirrors in the past or future 
packages, but I haven't checked that.

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