On 11/10/2018 3:20 AM, Corinna Vinschen wrote:
On Nov  9 20:09, Denis Excoffier wrote:

In http://cygwin.com, please modify:

The most recent version of the Cygwin DLL is 2.11.0.


The most recent version of the Cygwin DLL is 2.11.2.

Done.  Thanks for the heads-up.

I was going to suggest maybe perhaps using a computed string for the text but then I run [1] and it doesn't find 2.11.2. Why?

[1] https://sourceware.org/cgi-bin/search.cgi?cmd=Search!&fmt=short&form=extended&GroupBySite=no&m=all&ps=10&q=%22Updated:+Cygwin%22&sp=0&sy=0&type=&ul=/ml/cygwin-announce/%25&wf=2221&wm=sub&s=DRP

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