On Tuesday, November 13, 2018 7:31 PM Achim Gratz wrote:
>Thomas Wolff writes:
>> OK, it shall be made configurable. But please describe in which ways
>> workflows are broken and how / in which application HTML tables (HTML
>> source?) would appear.
>I commonly paste things from MinTTY into our Wiki editor (in the
>browser), which choses the advertised HTML as the "obviously better" and
>then screws up royally since for whatever unfathomable reason it gets
>the text wrapped in an HTML table.  I'd have to switch to source view to
>erase the markup I didn't even want in the first place.  So at the
>moment I paste into Emacs (which uses the text selection), re-select it
>there and then paste it back into the Wiki as text.

My workaround for such junk is

$ getclip | putclip

in some mintty window.

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