On 11/18/2018 1:07 AM, Steven Penny wrote:
Cygwin Git can clone with Unix form paths:

    $ git clone git://github.com/benhoyt/goawk /tmp/goawk
    Cloning into '/tmp/goawk'...
    remote: Enumerating objects: 330, done.

However it fails with Windows form:

    $ git clone git://github.com/benhoyt/goawk 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\goawk'
    Cloning into 'C:\cygwin64\tmp\goawk'...
   fatal: Invalid path '/home/Steven/C:\cygwin64\tmp\goawk': No such file or

and mixed form:

    $ git clone git://github.com/benhoyt/goawk C:/cygwin64/tmp/goawk
   fatal: Invalid path '/home/Steven/C:/cygwin64': No such file or directory

Note that other Cygwin programs work fine with these forms:

    $ ls 'C:\cygwin64'
    bin         Cygwin.ico           dev  home  sbin  usr
    Cygwin.bat  Cygwin-Terminal.ico  etc  lib   tmp   var

This causes problems for any non-Cygwin tools that might call Git:


What exactly are you trying to solve by your query? The golang issue you point to is marked as resolved and many suggestions similar to the ones you've been given in this query exist in it; including a go script to convert the strings on the command line. I probably would use a similar method with a bash script but calling cygpath.

Good luck,
cyg Simple

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