>> Just installed Cygwin64. Beautiful.
>> However, I need to build an executable. In Cygwin32 the build proceeds
>> without exception but in Cygwin64 two error msgs are generated during the
>> attempt:
>> 1)   fatal error: readline/readline.h: No such file or directory
>> 2)   cannot find -lreadline
>> Both platforms Cygwin32(64) are identically bespoke and are constructed
>> using the command
>> setup-x86(_64).exe -P <blah>,readline,<blah>
>> In Cygwin32 this results in the creation of all 3 files
>> /usr/include/readline/readline.h
>> /usr/lib/libreadline.a

> Cygwin32 has an obsoletion package for "readline" that pulls in the
> development headers as the old package had everything bundled.  On
> Cygwin64 that readline package never existed, so you'll need
> libreadline-devel.

>> /usr/lib/libreadline.dll.a
>> but none of these are created in Cygwin64. This is what breaks the build
>> the executable required.
>> (Possibly it is another element of <blah> that has this consequence for
>> Cygwin32, but whatever the trigger there is the same lack in Cygwin64.)
>> Can these necessary components be recovered in Cygwin64 by some amendment
>> the "setup -P .. .." instruction?

> cygcheck -p libreadline.dll.a

Just brilliant. Solved all.
Thank you.

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