> Please don't top-post on this list.
Yikes. I intended not to top-post, but it seems that replying from a 
forwarded copy (I forward Outlook.com email to another email provider) 
is no good. I've reconfigured my email client hoping I fixed it.
> Your build is not identical with it.
I remember choosing that word; I should have gone with "similar".

> If your goal is to provide useful information for the lighttpd 
> maintainer, you should use the same configure options that he used.
I wanted to somehow ameliorate my first post with the bits I could 
recently gather because I considered them sort of good news, but I'll 
try to reproduce lighttpd package ASAP and report back.


El 07/12/2018 a las 12:06, Ken Brown escribió:
> [Please don't top-post on this list.]
> On 12/7/2018 9:13 AM, Alejandro Benitez wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'd like to add more information to the report.
>> With the help of the IRC support channel I've managed to successfully
>> run a build of a later version of lighttpd (v 1.4.52) which is the
>> latest tarball available at
>> https://www.lighttpd.net/download/
>> with the following build configuration
>> `./configure --without-bzip2 --with-openssl --with-lua`
>> The build is quite identical to the Cygwin build; I did not have to
>> tweak my configuration files and everything worked as expected, whereas
>> the current Cygwin package (v 1.4.45) shows the behavior I previously
>> reported.
> Out of curiosity, I downloaded the source for the Cygwin build, and your build
> is not identical with it.  If your goal is to provide useful information for 
> the
> lighttpd maintainer, you should use the same configure options that he used.
> Ken
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